Review #19 “Titan Quest” – Get drunk with Dionysus

Ever have a Spartan fetish and a liking to the Diablo Franchise? Well I have a perfect game match for you! Titan Quest is an open world, Hack and Slash, overhead view game that features all aspects of Diablo on a better level. This game is old and quite a classic compared to Diablo, but it features so much more and delivers better than Diablo does. Some things that deliver well include its “free development”, strong combat system, and atmosphere.
The “free development” as I call it is basically the fact that the character can pick and choose the wierdest of combinations like a Defender who employs Spirit magic or a rogue sneaky earth mage. The possibilities are endless. Each of the classes also sport different branch-offs that can lead to different effects. For example: a passive spirit power that drains life from enemies with normal attacking. Or, a summoning ability that summons more temporary minions or maybe less permanent minions. As you can see above, the classes seem slim but are not limiting… you can choose a little bit of all of them for all I care! Again, the possibilities are endless.
The combat is almost exactly the same as Diablo however, the choices for said combat are enormous. The combat deals with many different weapons ranging from axes to spears and slings to bows and arrows. Not only is the martial combat very extensive the magic is too: Ranging from simple fireballs to summoning a Lich. I personally play as a defender who utilizes spirit magic to absorb life and last longer on the battlefield.
Here’s a video showing gameplay of Titan Quest’s combat system:

The environment of Titan Quest is immersive and smartly developed. The land of Greece is wrought with ports, cities, ruined acropolises, and treacherous caves. The characters in the game also voice act for everything and some are actual historical figures like King Leonidas. The enemy monsters all represent real mythological foes of Humanity including goat-men, centaurs, minotaurs, and so on. The environment of Titan Quest is immersive in the truest form.

With that in mind I give this game a rating of 9/10 for its stunning atmosphere and replayability. I still play this game and I recommend you start!

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